
Mcube Records

Make Music Matter.

Sunday, March 6, 2011

February Spotlight

Howdy people?

Its Spotlight time of the month. How you all been? As for us, we've been busy making music matter!

We had one of the busiest months with our showcase. We had over 100 submissions and boy, the quality of music blew our minds!

Here are the artists/bands that made it to our Showcase on February!

We have been trying our best to reach out to every artist with responses/feedback. We do fall behind sometimes, but we'll try to make up. 

Looking for a record Label or feedback on quality of your music? Reach out to us at mcube@oneinch.in

Alternately you can also post your music links here:

1. Mcube Records Promotion Platform
2. Soundcloud Dropbox

You can now also follow Mcube Records on

Facebook: Mcube Records
Twitter: @McubeRecords
My Space: Mcube Records
ReverbNation: Mcube Records 

Lots to look forward to in March. Our swanky new website is coming up; some amazing features and state of the art functionalities for musicians and listeners, Watch this space

We are launching Brand Management services for artists who are looking to create brand identity, cover art, web properties and social media assets! Details of this service coming shortly.

Make music and make it matter

Thats how we do it at Mcube Records!



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